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Publications & Research Papers

The following list includes the papers that have been submitted for publication under the umbrella of the ASPIRE project:


Latest verifications of the reduced-order particle-in-cell scheme: Penning discharge and axial-radial Hall thruster case
Authors: M Reza, F Faraji, A Knoll
Date: 2024

Dynamic mode decomposition for data-driven analysis and reduced-order modeling of E×B plasmas: II. Dynamics forecasting
Authors: F Faraji, M Reza, A Knoll, JN Kutz
Date: 2023

Machine-learning-enabled plasma modeling and prediction
Authors: F Faraji, M Reza, A Knoll
Date: 2024

Dynamic mode decomposition for data-driven analysis and reduced-order modeling of E×B plasmas: I. Extraction of spatiotemporally coherent patterns
Authors: F Faraji, M Reza, A Knoll, JN Kutz
Date: 2023

Concept of the generalized reduced-order particle-in-cell scheme and verification in an axial-azimuthal Hall thruster configuration
Authors: M Reza, F Faraji, A Knoll
Date: 2023

Simulations of morphology control of self‐assembled amphiphilic surfactants
Authors: Q Zhu, DR Tree
Date: 2023

Reduced-order particle-in-cell scheme: Redefining kinetic modeling for electric plasma propulsion
Authors: M Reza, F Faraji, A Knoll
Date: 2024

Verification of the generalized reduced-order particle-in-cell scheme in a radial–azimuthal E×B plasma configuration
Authors: F Faraji, M Reza, A Knoll
Date: 2023

Reduced-order particle-in-cell simulations of a high-power magnetically shielded Hall thruster
Authors: M Reza, F Faraji, A Knoll, A Piragino
Date: 2023

Parametric investigation of azimuthal instabilities and electron transport in a radial-azimuthal E×B plasma configuration
Authors: M Reza, F Faraji, A Knoll
Date: 2023


Calibrated 1D model of the plasma properties in a Hall Thruster for the investigation of breathing mode I Luca Leporini (UNIPI), Vittorio Giannetti (UNIPI/SITAEL), Manuel Saravia (UNIPI), Tommaso Andreussi (UNIPI/SITAEL), Antonio Piragino (UNIPI/SITAEL), Francesco Califano (UNIPI), Simone Camarri (UNIPI)


Theoretical and numerical analysis of the Breathing instability in Hall thrusters I Luca Leporini (UNIPI), Vittorio Giannetti (UNIPI/SITAEL), Manuel Saravia (UNIPI), Tommaso Andreussi (UNIPI/SITAEL), Antonio Piragino (UNIPI/SITAEL), Francesco Califano (UNIPI), Simone Camarri (UNIPI)

The effect of background neutrals and vacuum chamber on performance and plasma characteristics on Hall thrusters I UNIPI: Antonio Piragino, Manuel M. Saravia, Vittorio Giannetti, Luca Leporini, Francesco Califano, Simone Camarri SITAEL: Tommaso Andreussi

Development tests of SITAEL’s high-power Hall propulsion system I SITAEL: Tommaso Andreussi, Antonio Piragino, Vittorio Giannetti, Alena Kitaeva, Christopher Andrea Paissoni, Eugenio Ferrato, Daniela Pedrini, Angela Rossodivita AST: Pietro Broggi, Nils Hildebrand, Heiko Dartsch

Particle-in-Cell Modeling of a high-power magnetically shielded Hall thruster I Maryam Reza, Farbod Faraji, Aaron Knoll Imperial College London, United Kingdom

EPIC Workshops

From CHEOPS to ASPIRE: development of SITAEL’s high-power Hall propulsion system, Tommaso Andreussi1, Antonio Piragino, Vittorio Giannetti, Alena Kitaeva, Christopher Andrea Paissoni, Eugenio Ferrato, Daniela Pedrini, Angela Rossodivita, Pietro Broggi, Nils Hildebrand, Heiko Dartsch, Gilles Bouhour, Kevin Danancier, Marie Ansart, Livia Moro, Giuseppina Saracco, Emiliano Consani, Aaron Knoll, Farbod Faraji, Maryam Reza, Donatella Ciampini, Fabrizio Paganucci, Francesco Califano, Simone Camarri, Eduardo Ahedo, Pablo Fajardo, Danai Bournou, Rosario Pavone

37th International Electric Propulsion Conference IEPC-2022

Reduced-order “pseudo-2D” particle-in-cell scheme for the prediction of multi-dimensional phenomena in Hall thrusters, M. Reza1 , F. Faraji2, A. Knoll3 // Plasma Propulsion Laboratory, Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London, United Kingdom

[Journal] Resolving multi-dimensional plasma phenomena in Hall thrusters using the reduced-order particle-in-cell scheme, Maryam Reza *1, Farbod Faraji*2, Aaron Knoll*3 //*Plasma Propulsion Laboratory, Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London, Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom

[Journal]Reduced-order particle-in-cell simulation of Hall thrusters through the dimensionality reduction of Poisson’s equation, Plasma Sources Science and Technology

Insights from reduced-order particle-in-cell simulations into the plasma behavior in  a high-power  magnetically shielded Hall thruster, F. Faraji 1 , M. Reza2 , A. Knoll3  //Plasma Propulsion Laboratory, Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London, United Kingdom

[ Journal of Computational Physics] Generalized reduced-order particle-in-cell scheme for Hall thruster modeling: concept and in-depth verification in the axial-azimuthal configuration, Maryam Reza 1, Farbod Faraji1, Aaron Knoll1,1Plasma Propulsion Laboratory, Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London, Exhibition Road, London,SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom

[Journal of Applied Physics] Effects of magnetic field gradient and secondary electron emission on instabilities and transport in an E×B plasma configuration M. Reza, , F. Faraji* , A. Knoll* ,*Plasma Propulsion Laboratory, Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London, Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3 M)

Journal articles:

  1. F. Cichocki, A. Domínguez-Vázquez, M. Merino, P. Fajardo, E. Ahedo. Three-dimensional neutralizer effects on a Hall-effect thruster near plume, Acta Astronautica 187 (2021) pp. 498–510

Conference papers:

(1)   A. Modesti, J. Zhou, F. Cichocki, A. Domínguez-Vázquez, E. Ahedo. Simulation of the expansion within a vacuum chamber of the plume of a Hall thruster with a centrally mounted cathode, SP2022-00155, Space Propulsion Conference 2022, May 9-13, Estoril, Portugal

(2)   J. Perales-Díaz, A. Domínguez-Vázquez, P. Fajardo, E. Ahedo and others. Hybrid 2D plasma simulations of a 20kW-class magnetically shielded Hall effect thruster, IEPC-2022-322,International Electric Propulsion Conference 2022, June 19-23, Boston, MA